My work makes reference to the unquestionable presence we make wherever we are. The metaphorical reference to the footprint continues to intrigue me in this body of work, and it’s association with/to place, memory, moments and people.
The ‘here and there’ often described by the footprints often and at times evoking a feeling of islands (Australian and Scottish). The countries of Australia and Scotland always present.
The abraded surfaces suggesting rambling, dreamlike connections with these lands.
The subtle fading and broken lines/marks often suggesting the tenuous hold we have on the planet and the fragility of situations that come with it.
The methodology combines a painterly and mark-making configuration, with a firm commitment to abstraction on either canvas, paper, paper on board, creating colour interplays that describe special relationships. Colour backgrounds suggest the enormity of distance and space that separates yet connects people and place.
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